Welcome to the Eastern North Carolina Historical Commission

The ENCCOG Historical Commission strives to obtain, secure and make available historical artifacts for the use of the people of the Church of God. Your help in preserving important items of the history of your local church or ministry is invaluable to this effort.

Feel free to use the records found on this site as needed. If you desire a publication quality photo or have questions about any of the items found here, feel free to contact the Historical Commission at ENCCOGHistory@gmail.com

ENCCOG 35th Anniversary Heritage Collection Book

In 1984, Eastern North Carolina became an official state in the Church of God and continues to move forward in powerful ministry and in reaching a great harvest. Click below to read the Complete Digital Version of our Volume I Heritage Book.

ENC Historical Commission

Dr. Michael A. Ball, Chairman

Ron Mizell

Tim Hopkins

Arnold Ball

Tim Gore

Gordon Braxton

Larry Poole